How it works
Check out YouSort app prototype on your computer
or your smartphone.
The idea of YouSort is quite simple but it could considerably help people to act within a large scale recycling cycle. First, we took the problem at it source and we decided to go directly to the furnishers of packaging. Supermarkets are more and more likely to spread an “eco friendly” image of their brand. They are now giving cardboard bags rather than plastic ones. As every product of every supermarket has already an attributed QR code, it would be easier for them to print it on the back of the receipts given to the customers.
The clients would thus directly scan the code on their smartphones. As you will discover it on the application, all the products you have bought will appear instantly on your “shopping list”. We thought of a classification of waste that is short enough not to be a puzzle but that is still precise and accurate (glass, plastic, paper & cardboard, compost, other wastes). Each waste corresponds to a colour, and each colour is assigned to one of your product and then to specific rubbish. You will also have access to a small explanation if you want to learn more about it by pressing the name of the product on your list. Once you have thrown the package and want to get rid of the product on your list, you will just have to swipe to put it on your basket.
Our idea is to start with a partnership with one supermarket and then to propose our service to other groceries or smaller shops. The more the people will use YouSort, the more they will have simple but useful reflexes.
We decided to settle a system of points, in order to incite people to regularly use the application. The more you recycle your products in your list, the more you earn some “eco points”. At some point, you will have the possibility to achieve a product that you like for free from one of our partner shops. We also want to offer promotions on a series of products. Even if we know that people recycle to protect the environment, we are also sure that people will be more likely to care and to act if they get something in return. This is why we decided to take advantage of it.
The third part of our action is to give access to the user to a large map of their city. This map will allow them to find easily the nearest location of the waste sorting bins according to their different categories. The idea is to give the user a complete guide: from the supermarket to the street, we want to stand by the customer through the entire purchase/recycling path.

Then, the application will also have an educational and informative section. Indeed, if some products aren’t on your list (for instance some products that you had before downloading the app or some waste that are not categorised) don’t panic. You will have a wide range of explanations for all the product’s categories: videos, texts etc.
We also propose a payable premium account that gives you some advantages. For instance, we offer you a delivery service of waste from your house to adequate places (bins on your map). For only 5euros/month, we come to your place to take your rubbish and get it back to you in a day.